Welcome Google Cloud Platform!

The Node.js Project

Google Cloud Platform joined the Node.js Foundation today. This news comes on the heels of the Node.js runtime going into beta on Google App Engine, a platform that makes it easy to build scalable web applications and mobile backends across a variety of programming languages.

In the industry, there’s been a lot of conversations around a third wave of cloud computing that focuses less on infrastructure and more on microservices and container architectures. Node.js, which is a cross-platform runtime environment that consists of open source modules, is a perfect platform for these types of environments. It’s incredibly resource-efficient, high performing and well-suited to scalability. This is one of the main reasons why Node.js is heavily used by IoT developers who are working with microservices environments.

“Node.js is emerging as the platform in the center of a broad full stack, consisting of front end, back end, devices and the cloud,” said Mikeal Rogers, community manager of the Node.js Foundation. “By joining the Node.js Foundation, Google is increasing its investment in Node.js and deepening its involvement in a vibrant community. Having more companies join the Node.js Foundation helps solidify Node.js as a leading universal development environment.”

Along with joining the Node.js Foundation, Google develops the V8 JavaScript engine which powers Chrome and Node.js. The V8 team is working on infrastructural changes to improve the Node.js development workflow, including making it easier to build and test Node.js on V8’s continuous integration system. Google V8 contributors are also involved in the Core Technical Committee.

The Node.js Foundation is very excited to have Google Cloud Platform join our community and look forward to helping developers continue to use Node.js everywhere.

Son Güncelleme
29 Mar 2016
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2 min read
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